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September 2, 2020


Firm Name
Orange County Department on Aging
Firm Location
Seymour Center, Chapel Hill


Assist with national re-accreditation of 2 Orange County Senior Centers

TIME PERIOD: 8 hours/week throughout the academic year – Sept 2020 – May 2021

COMPENSATION: $20/hour Funding and administration for this internship is provided by UNC’s Partnerships in Aging Program

WORK LOCATION: The intern will work on-site at the Seymour Center, 2551 Homestead Rd. Chapel Hill, on Mon, Wed or Fri. between 2 and 5 pm. Work hours are flexible and can be negotiated. The Senior Centers are closed for group activities and all work processes are conducted using COVID-safety practices*.

MENTORSHIP: The intern will work directly with, and be mentored by Myra Austin, Senior Centers Administrator. Myra will be the team leader for the re-accreditation process.

About ORANGE COUNTY DEPARTMENT ON AGING: Orange County Department on Aging (OCDOA) is a one-stop resource where older adults and caregivers can meet their social, mental, physical, financial, and day-to-day practical needs. We offer integrated aging services and programs at our two senior centers including, wellness and education classes, job search advice and workshops, daily (M – F )nutritious lunches, trips, volunteer opportunities, and much more.

PROJECT DETAILS: The Intern will participate in the activities described below:

  1. Research, review and revise previous National Accreditation documents
  2. Work with OCDoA staff to formulate and help facilitate the two senior center self-assessment committees.
  3. Work with staff and the committees to complete the self-assessment process.
  4. Assist the staff and the 2 senior centers to evaluate its level of compliance with the national standards and completes tasks to bring us into compliance.
  5. Work with staff to complete the 2 OC Senior Centers online profile
  6. Assist staff in notifying NCOA’s NISC Program Manager when the online notebook is complete.


  • Graduate student in Communications, Journalism, Public Relations, Public Policy, Public Health or similar discipline.
  • Preference will be give to applicants with prior experience in communications, journalism, or public relations, or public policy

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

  • Excellent organizational abilities and skills
  • Research and interview skills
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications and other virtual and large document platforms
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • A Team Player
  • Skill and ability to work with older adults, volunteers, and staff
  • Flexibility in work schedule based on intern and staff availability (may require some on-site work on certain days – M, W, F)

Benefits to intern:

  • Understand national accreditation processes applied to government organizations and the resulting budget implications
  • Witness a local government agency and a national government organization working simultaneously to achieve a desired outcome
  • Understand the process of managing and organizing a local government department, including policies and procedures

Physical Requirements:

  • Internships pose no special physical requirements, and the Department on Aging encourages people with diverse abilities to apply.
  • *The OCDoA is practicing safe precautions as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing, face coverings while in shared office areas, proper handwashing or use of hand sanitizer, and limited number of patrons are in our large, spacious buildings at this time.

TO APPLY: Submit a resume and cover letter to . Myra Austin, Senior Centers Administrator. Preference will be given to applications received by September 14, 2020.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Start Date
  8 hours/week throughout the academic year – Sept 2020 – May 2021
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Myra Austin, Senior Centers Administrator
Contact Email

Job Category:
Community Development, Internship
Job Sector:

Graduate Intern supporting Transportation for Seniors

September 1, 2020

Graduate Intern supporting Transportation for Seniors

Firm Name
Orange County’s Department on Aging
Firm Location
Hillsborough, NC
Firm Website


About the OCDOA and Transportation for Seniors in Orange County: Orange County’s Department on Aging is committed to educating older adults about the availability and use of existing transportation services, taking leadership to foster cooperation and collaboration among Orange County’s transportation providers, and working with local stakeholders to expand the current transportation system and create alternatives such as volunteer-driver programs.

Current services include:

  1. A dedicated Transportation Help-line is available M-F 8am-5pm. The Help-line receives an average of 85 calls per month from clinicians looking for transportation resources for a patient or a resident who is becoming temporarily or permanently transit dependent.
  2. The Volunteer Driving Program (VDP) provides necessary trips for seniors that have no existing public or non-public transit options that meets their needs. The program has grown from 9 to 15 volunteer drivers and has provided 426 one-way rides this past year.
  3. Community outreach and Travel training provided through regularly scheduled speaking engagements, community events, classes, day trips and one-on-one trainings
  4. Master Aging Plan (MAP) Transportation Workgroup serves as a hub for improving transportation in the area by bringing together social service, transit, and health organizations for regular meetings to improve transit.

About the Intern Position: The Transportation Intern will focus on expanding Orange County’s Volunteer Driver Program (VDP) through co-development of a rideshare web/mobile app with our non-profit partner Code the Dream. Additionally, the intern will be working with the Aging Transitions team on a virtual event planned for early December for Older Driver Safety Awareness Week. This is a new idea, and will be loosely framed around a presentation currently being developed on “Driving: Planning for Retirement” for this fall’s Caregiver Summit.

A successful candidate for this internship will:

  • Become a team player in our efforts to provide seniors with more transit opportunities via community education, new technologies, and 1:1 training.
  • Enjoy working with a diverse set of stake holders to accomplish a high priority community goal.
  • Have an interest in project management, specifically; planning, marketing, and implementing a community-wide event.
  • Be self-directed, take initiative, troubleshoot challenges, and reach out proactively for support.

Position Details: 

  • The ideal candidate will be a UNC graduate student in City and Regional Planning, the School of Government, Public Health, Public Administration, Social Work, Occupational Therapy or similar discipline.
  • Expected commitment is 6 hours/week throughout the academic year, Sept 2020-May 2021.
  • Intern will be encouraged to participate in a weekly (virtual) meeting with Code the Dream, Mondays at 1pm.
  • Other hours are flexible and can be performed on-site or remotely.
  • Compensation – $20/hour

To Apply: Submit a resume and cover letter to Alison Smith, Transportation Specialist* @ . Priority will be given to applications received before September 14, 2020

*The Transportation Specialist (Mobility Manager) is part of the OCDOA Senior Transportation Expansion, Assessment and Mobility Management (STEAMM) project that is funded through the Section 5310 enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities by the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO).

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Alison Smith, Transportation Specialist
Contact Email

Job Category:
Internship, Transportation
Job Sector:

Affordable Housing Internship

September 1, 2020

Affordable Housing Internship

Firm Name
Orange County Affordable Housing Coalition (OCHAC)
Firm Location
Firm Website


About the Coalition: Orange County Affordable Housing Coalition (OCHAC) is an association of non-profit housing developers, social service providers, advocacy groups, and local government partners working together to provide housing opportunities for all in Orange County, NC. Our mission is to foster collaboration among providers and advocates to support affordable housing development and preservation in Orange County. This position is offered in Collaboration with UNC’s Partnerships in Aging Program.

OCAHC was established in 2013 to highlight the needs and opportunities for increasing housing affordability in Orange County and to foster communication and collaboration among housing providers and advocates. Since that time, the coalition has expanded to meet the growing need of housing in the Orange County community.

About the Position: OCAHC is seeking an intern who will help us refine the mission of the coalition and set strategic priorities for the future of the coalition by facilitating focused conversations and turning these conversations into clear written guidance that will be utilized to clarify our purpose and processes. The intern will also provide additional support to OCAHC on a variety of tasks during monthly committee and subcommittee meetings.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Participate in monthly OCAHC meetings, taking and distributing minutes (2nd Friday of every month from 9-10:30am)
  • Facilitate group discussions and interview individual members to further define the mission and future of the coalition
  • Research best practices of other housing coalitions nationally
  • Determine the role of advocacy within the coalition’s efforts
  • Develop a concise public-facing document articulating the mission, vision, and values of the coalition
  • Create a more robust infrastructure for sharing documents and organizing communications among members
  • Make occasional updates to OCAHC website (; no web design or coding skills required

Position Qualifications:

  • Believe that housing is a human right, and be committed to supporting the activities of a coalition that advances just and equitable practices
  • Be a UNC graduate student in City and Regional Planning, the School of Government, Public Health, Public Administration, Social Work, Occupational Therapy or related field.

Position Details:

  • This 6-hour/week position will be mentored by Jennifer Player, CEO and President of Habitat for Humanity of Orange County.
  • Work can be accomplished remotely during the time of COVID. Weekly mentor meetings can be scheduled at the convenience of Jennifer and student schedules.
  • Compensation is $20/hour.
  • This position will be ongoing from Sept. 2020-April 2021.

To Apply: Submit a resume and cover letter to Jennifer Player at Priority will be given to applications received by September 14, 2020.

We strongly encourage applications from people of color, persons with disabilities, women, and LGBTQ applicants

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Jennifer Player
Contact Email

Job Category:
Community Development, Housing, Internship
Job Sector:

Racial Equity Graduate Internship

August 26, 2020

Racial Equity Graduate Internship

Firm Name
Durham County Government
Firm Location
Durham, NC


A unique opportunity to support the infrastructure development of racial equity efforts within and across Durham County Government (DCG). The intern will help establish the core components (tenets) racial equity at DCG by utilizing the member benefits, tools and resources provided by the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) national and state network, and other partners.

Durham County Government is a member of the GARE North Carolina state cohort committed to applying racial equity tools towards the development of a racial equity action plan.


  • Support the data collection and reporting of a series of staff visioning sessions to identify the core components of a racial equity vision for Durham County.
  • Conduct literature reviews to support the development of white papers and policy briefs towards the implementation of pilot projects as part of DCG’s racial equity action plan.
  • Support the development and implementation of DCG’s communications plan, including talking points, social media posts, blog articles and research for racial equity webinars.
  •  Prepare data summary reports and communication to County leadership (e.g. racial equity employee survey assessment).
  • Coordinate GARE meetings among DCG’s core team in MS Teams; take notes and follow up on action commitments.
  • Coordinate and help co-host racial equity trainings for DCG employees and partners with expert facilitators.
  • Co-facilitate virtual meetings by overseeing chat function and providing technical assistance to attendees.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Minimum education/experience:
Graduate student majoring in public policy, public administration or public health (or related field) with a minimum of one formal racial equity training.

Hourly Rate: $16.50/hour
Benefits: Not Applicable

To apply, please email a cover letter and resume to Kweli Rashied-Henry, Racial Equity Officer at

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Start Date
  September 2020 – May 2021
Position Details: View complete job listing

Contact Information

Contact Name
Kweli Rashied-Henry, Racial Equity Officer
Contact Email

Job Category:
Community Development, Internship
Job Sector:

COVID-19 Data Analyst Graduate Internship

June 29, 2020

COVID-19 Data Analyst Graduate Internship

Firm Name
Orange County Health Department
Firm Location
Firm Website


Orange County Health Department is looking to hire a full-time graduate Data Analyst Intern, either a current student or a recent grad, to help us with COVID-19 response. The intern would work remotely but under supervision from a member of the COVID Task Force. The intern will work on responding to questions from the community by phone and email, and then create trend analyses of the types of questions, frequency of communications, and common needs and misconceptions to help us in planning. The position will work closely with members of the COVID Task Force and Joint Information Center on other data analysis projects as required.

At the end of the project, we’d like to get an analysis of what happened, what the public wanted to know, and where some pain points were, as well as recommendations for planning in the future. A successful candidate will have excellent written and verbal communication skills, some experience in data analysis and visualization, and curiosity and persistence.

A position may not include all the work examples given, nor does the list include all that may be assigned:

  • Assists management staff with all departmental activities.
  • Conducts research about federal, state, and local COVID-19 regulations to respond to community questions.
  • Analyzes COVID-19 data gathered and data trends.
  • Writes reports and summaries for department management.
  • Interacts with the public, County staff, committee members, representatives of other organizations and businesses.
  • Organizes projects, reports and assignments; maintains appropriate records and files.
  • Performs other administrative and clerical support activities as needed.

The posting can be found here:
The application closes July 8th.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due

Job Category:
Community Development, Internship, Land Use
Job Sector:

Summer Intern

June 26, 2020

Summer Intern

Firm Name
Code Studio
Firm Location
Firm Website


Code Studio’s internship program seeks to provide interns from historically under-invited communities with hands-on experience in planning and zoning. Our goal is to develop and equip emerging leaders interested in furthering their careers in the diverse fields of urban design and planning.

As a small private planning firm, Code Studio’s internship offers a unique, ground-level glimpse into all sides of the planning business. Our interns gain hands-on experience with the entire Code Studio team on some of the nation’s largest zoning code updates and in diverse communities across the country.

All of our interns gain experience in preparing zoning and form-based codes, urban design, computer modeling, graphic visualization, team communication, and the chance to build relationships and network with individuals throughout the planning industry.

What to expect?

Code Studio’s internship is expected to be work-from-home. Interns may be located anywhere in the United States. Interns must have availability of at least 15 hours per week, during regular business hours (9am-6pm, Monday-Friday). All interns are paid.

What are we looking for?

We look for individuals who are motivated team players, excellent communicators, verbally and visually, and most importantly are passionate about building diverse and inclusive cities.

Code Studio’s internship program is committed to creating a diverse and welcoming workplace. We believe that having interns with diverse backgrounds enables Code Studio to better meet our mission and serve our clients and community. People of color, women and LGBTQIA+ individuals are strongly encouraged to apply. 

(We prefer you to use the online application form. However,you may use email by sending a resume, cover letter and work samples to

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N

The contact is a Carolina Planning alum.

Job Category:
Internship, Land Use
Job Sector:

Summer Climate Change Internship

May 28, 2020

Summer Climate Change Internship

Firm Name
Open Rivers
Firm Location
Fully Remote
Firm Website


Open Rivers has up to three (3) Research Assistant positions open for the summer of 2020. The Research Assistant would support specific research components focused on agriculture, climate change, conservation and the environment. The Research Assistant role provides a chance for recent undergraduates and graduates to gain experience working with various organizations on urgent and critical questions impact the environment (e.g., climate change) and agriculture. The Research Assistants will have a chance to meet collaborators across various organizations, meet experts, develop and strengthen research, analytics and survey skills. This position also provides a chance to gain firsthand experience about operations at a start-up with a mission-driven focus.

Open Rivers focuses on supporting impactful, mission-drive organizations focused on the nexus between agriculture, natural resources and the environment. We offer clients a holistic approach to addressing their critical questions through strategy development and implementation.  We utilize science and data to support our clients. Five principles guide our work to ensure solutions, and their execution, are robust, feasible and truly create impact and lasting change.

The roles specialize in the following areas:

  • Science and technology research
  • Science research with focus on science communications
  • Science with focus on business operations

The applicants should specify which specialization they are most qualified for / interest in in the application.
Interested candidates should apply through the website by Thursday, June 4, 2020:

Job Types: Part-time, Internship

COVID-19 considerations: Virtual role

Additional Compensation: Bonuses

Work Location: Fully Remote

Benefits: None

Hours per week: 20-29; 30-39

Schedule: Monday to Friday

Company’s website:

The position is for 8 weeks starting in mid-June to mid-August with the potential to extend for several weeks and possibly into the Fall semester.  This part-time role is a minimum of 20 hours a week (with the option to extend up to 40 hours per week).

This is a virtual position.  However, ideally, for those in the DC metro area, occasional in-person meetings could be held in the future, in line with local policies and complying with social distancing. Hourly salary commensurate with experience.

Applications will be accepted until Thursday, June 4, 2020. Due to the current state and volume of applicants, we may be delayed in responding to applicants.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Application Due

Job Category:
Job Sector:

Legislative Internship Fall 2020

May 27, 2020

Legislative Internship Fall 2020

Firm Name
Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL)
Firm Location
Washington, D.C.
Firm Website


Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL)’s mission is to create the political will for a sustainable climate and to empower individuals to have breakthroughs in exercising their personal and political power. To solve the climate crisis our methods include education on the science, economics, politics, and public awareness surrounding climate change. CCL works by training citizens in the skills needed to affect change. We meet with Congressional leaders, write letters to the editors of national and local newspapers and attend monthly national conference calls. Most importantly we are action-oriented. Our goal is to match what scientists tell us with practical solutions that can be enacted legislatively.


  • This is an unpaid position without employee benefits.
  • Free registration, lodging, and food to the Citizens’ Climate International Conference at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC.
  • Priority consideration for CCL’s fellowships and scholarships.

**Apply only if you have the ability to intern on-site at the location listed below**

INTERN POSITION REPORTS TO: Legislative Assistant, Washington, DC

ONSITE LOCATION: Office on K Street, Washington, D.C.

TIME COMMITMENT: Interns will complete 15 hours per week, 2-3 weekdays 10am-3pm (openings vary)


  • Learn CCL advocacy methodologies; participate in monthly conference calls
  • Sit it on and take notes for meetings and briefings on Capitol Hill and across Washington, D.C.
  • Attend CCL’s International Conference & Lobby Day (June) or Congressional Education Day (November)
  • Research on energy policy, economics, congressional records, health effects of climate change, etc.
  • Data entry using Salesforce – CRM (Confidentiality agreement required)
  • Congressional research for biographies and meetings
  • Cross checking field reports, uploading data to website, etc.
  • Administrative support including email correspondence, and various clerical tasks
  • Assist with outreach follow up for prospective volunteer interest
  • Edit and improve existing training and outreach materials


  • Excellent oral and written communication skills with attention to details and timeliness
  • Phone skills to include upbeat tone and active listening abilities
  • Excellent writing and communication skills, with a sharp attention to detail
  • Ability to work collaboratively and meet deadlines
  • Interest in environmental advocacy, government or politics
  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older


Submit the following to Adeline DeYoung, adeline @ with the subject line “CCL DC Intern application”:

  • Cover letter, including your general availability for the internship (spring semester, fall semester, summer, etc.)
  • Resume

INFORMATION SESSION: We strongly suggest you register to join our Live Informational Session and Q & A before applying. The session will introduce our organization, what we do, and why your contribution matters! Keep in mind the session is not geared towards interns, but will give potential interns a better idea of what their duties and goals would be. The Informational Session is scheduled for every Wednesday night at 5:00 PM Pacific, 8:00 PM Eastern.

To register go to:

Job Type: Internship
Salary: $0.00 /year

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N

Job Category:
Environmental Planning, Internship
Job Sector:
Non Profit

Qualitative Research Intern

May 26, 2020

Qualitative Research Intern

Firm Name
Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster (RTCC)
Firm Location
Remote with meetings held as needed
Firm Website


RTCC: The Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster (RTCC) is an industry-funded, nonprofit initiative of business, government, academic, and nonprofit leaders focused on accelerating cleantech innovation and economic growth in the Research Triangle region. Our program of work includes business growth and economic development, regional and global marketing, talent attraction and development, and ecosystem engagement.

INTERSHIP: We are seeking a part-time intern to join our team for Summer 2020, with potential to continue into fall. We have the project below, and you may be able to customize the project to suit your interests, skills, and desired outcomes.

PROJECT: Benchmark business models of cluster-based, economic development organizations

Overview – Conduct research via Internet and phone interviews with relevant membership organizations to document their business models; funding sources; evolution over time; key programs, especially those that drive membership recruitment and retention; successes; and failures. Prioritize organizations in the US and in the cleantech or energy industry. Time permitting, consider research beyond the US.


  • List of organizations to research
  • Survey instrument / questionnaire
  • Written report, application TBD, e.g., MS Word, StoryMap, or other

Skills gained: Qualitative research methods, case study research, 1:1 interviews, writing,

BACKGROUND: RTCC is a 501(c)6 not-for-profit organization. RTCC’s primary source of revenue is membership dues ~$300K/annually followed by funding from an EDA grant = $120K/annually, which will end in December 2021. RTCC was established as a marketing organization in 2013 to market the Research Triangle region as a global destination for cleantech innovation. In 2016, RTCC’s membership model was expanded to enable tiers of membership levels to allow for members of different sizes and stages of growth. This “larger tent” brought forth different value propositions for organizations to be part of RTCC, i.e., wherein multinational firms like ABB may have funded the marketing and talent attraction original mission, smaller corporations increasingly expressed interest in business development with other members and with other organizations in the region.

The 2019-2021 EDA RiS grant provided framework for RTCC to expand its work toward convening and soft, project facilitation through developing a NC Cleantech Corridor—convening local governments to brainstorm on their energy needs with RTCC members and utilities in the room to hear firsthand the “aggregate voice of the customer.”

By January 2021, RTCC will have identified strategies to replace the EDA funding either with increased membership revenue—a function of a highly-articulated, value proposition—and/or with public funds in the form of a grant or ideally, state, legislative allocation.


  • Location: Remote with meetings held as needed and as deemed as per pandemic guidelines. Location at RTCC office, 1575 Varsity Dr, Raleigh NC 27606 or nearby in SW Raleigh
  • Start date: June 8, 2020 ideal
  • Time Commitment: Maximum of 80 hours ideally 20 hrs / week over four weeks from June-July
  • Compensation: $13-15/hour, dependent on candidate qualification
  • Requirements: Graduate student with research experience and interest in clean technology and/or economic development.
  • Preferences: Student in city / regional planning, public administration, business disciplines
  • Misc: Must provide own laptop.


Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N
Start Date
  June 8, 2020 ideal
Position Details: View complete job listing

Job Category:
Economic Development, Internship
Job Sector:
Non Profit

Water Resiliency Intern

May 12, 2020

Water Resiliency Intern

Firm Name
Firm Location
Long Island City, NY
Firm Website


Arcadis is seeking a summer intern (2020) in Long Island City focused on planning and engineering resilient coastal communities. The internship is seeking to train remarkable students to become leaders in innovative, pre-disaster, resiliency design strategies. The selected candidate will be given the opportunity to participate in planning and engineering projects that are making our nation’s coastal cities more resilient. Arcadis will provide exposure to leading practices and practitioners in the field relevant to the fellow’s area of study.

The internship is open to full-time undergraduate and graduate students with research experience or training in areas including, but not limited to: urban planning, engineering, resilient design, and/or coastal flooding adaptation strategies. Applying engineering students should have a background in civil and environmental engineering, or related field. The intern will work alongside Engineers and Planners at Arcadis’ Long Island City, NY office.

Job ID: ANA010H1

Required Qualifications:
Pursuing a BS or MS in Public Policy, Engineering or related discipline.

Preferred Qualifications:
Prior internship or relevant work experience.

Why Choose Arcadis?

Arcadis is the leading global design and consulting firm for natural and built assets, and we invite you to join us in partnering with our clients to deliver truly exceptional and sustainable outcomes. Contribute to the world’s most high-profile and transformative projects, from shopping centers in Shanghai and improved traffic flow in Atlanta to state-of-the-art rail systems in Doha, coastal defenses for Manhattan and cleaner air in Los Angeles. Work alongside the industry’s foremost thought leaders and accomplished professionals, generating effective, real-world results. We are Arcadis: 27,000 people in more than 70 countries, creating value by applying our collective wisdom to every challenge. Our culture is collaborative, we believe in diversity and the power of global teamwork, and we own the responsibility to sustain the Earth and its people in a safe and balanced way. Arcadis. Improving quality of life.

Water is the world’s most critical resource. At Arcadis, we work tirelessly to help protect this natural resource, focusing on the entire water cycle. From source to tap, managing rivers and coast zones, urban and rural water supply, and issues related to climate change and rising sea levels, our specialists, engineers and scientists help address all of the challenges facing water. Using cutting-edge technologies, collaborating to develop innovative solutions and tapping into global learning development resources, we are uniquely positioned to provide safe and secure water services that support the demand of a rapidly changing world. Join our team to start improving quality of life today.

Job Details

Job Type
Paid Y/N

Contact Information

Contact Name

Job Category:
Environmental Planning, Internship
Job Sector: